Saturday, February 08, 2014

a bit of an unusual month...

Well, I am already behind on my goal of posting once a week, but January was a kind of a crazy month.  I was gone for almost a week to Kasesse out in the west, home for a day and then off to a training session for a week, and then came home to computer problems.  After two plus weeks of fighting with it, I finally think I have it up and running normally and secure, but it has been very frustrating.

Anyway, I am moving forward...and trying to blog as promised.

Not really sure what to share.  I traveled to a part of the country I had not yet been and on my first safari here in Uganda, and it was quite amazing.  Always refreshing and such an amazing joy to see and ponder YAHWEH's creation.  Such beautiful landscapes, beautiful people, and amazing animals.  Just awe-inspiring.

We drove past tea plantations, met with church leadership who want to start a medical clinic to serve their community, and visited another church who had begun to lay the foundation for their new building.  You can see the wall's foundation below, and the older building in the background.  They are planning BIG, and that to me is very cool.  It was amazing to be in the part of the country where the mission I now work for started their legacy in this country.

We ended to trip with a trip to Queen Elizabeth National Park.  It was an amazing day of hunting for and "shooting"...with my camera of course, so many amazing animals.  Including HUNDREDS of elephants at all ranges of age.  It was very cool.  This particular park has no giraffe or zebra, but we saw almost everything else there was to see there, so we were VERY happy.  And of course, you can't travel back and forth across the equator (I think I did 6 times on this trip) without the token "Equator Picture".

We stopped at a roadside market on our way back to I snuck this picture.  It is much harder to take then in Kampala, so I was happy to get this one.  SOOO colorful.

So to close this one, I will include a few picture from our Safari.  More least that is the goal.



And such cute little ones.  It was truly